Naming Your Kitchen and Sections

Kitchen names

  • We require that you create a new kitchen name for your new listing. Your kitchen name should be unique to your space and should be separate from your commercial business (i.e. your restaurant).
  • This helps to separate your business, provides you with extra privacy, and allows you to get creative.
  • When thinking of a kitchen name, try to be descriptive and use a name that will be attractive to potential food makers.

Section names

  • The area(s) that will be available for bookings within your kitchen also require their own names.
  • If you have 1 section, you only need 1 section name. If you have more sections, each section will require their own name.
  • The idea behind section names is that it will help to highlight the space you are renting out.
  • Try thinking of a name that emphasizes the section of your kitchen that you're are taking bookings for.
  • Please name each section something different to avoid confusion when potential makers request to book.

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